(disclaimer: AIM judge review here! these are just my opinions and thoughts, you can take from them whatever you like! music is subjective and all that. <3)
this is definitely a groovy loop you have constructed, and it's got some of that haze i would associate with psychedelia. in particular i felt like the intro before most of the parts come in was a fitting sound for a very abstract piece of art, and i would've liked to hear more of that. the rhythm of everything else is cool, and i even dig that the drumkit makes the song lean more towards psych-rock, but i could envision the "full section" w/ drums and piano being like, the climax of the piece, and more contemplative noodling taking up the rest. the artwork you chose is very freeform, and your music could reflect that in its structure. another way this piece could go beyond its core loop repetition would be to cut away after doing the big section for a while and start something new with a new progression and idea, slowly building back up and eventually bring back your original cool thing. what you have is really neat, now the beauty of the thing is to flesh it out and build around it!