(disclaimer: AIM judge review here! these are just my opinions and thoughts, you can take from them whatever you like! music is subjective and all that. <3)
very crisp beats, and the emotional DnB seems befitting of the bright sky/cloud scene - we don't know where this girl is headed or why, but she is currently soaring above the clouds. my only real concern here is that the length of the tune doesn't feel entirely justified for the amount of development there is. if the second pass back through had a bunch of different stuff going on, it would give the music more of an arc, but it feels basically like the song just loops halfway. another option would be to bridge into a B-section that did some different stuff, then transition that back into the original idea (probably a shortened version or just part of it) so it feels like coming 'home' again. that said though, what you've got here already is very nice and easy to listen to. would enjoy playing a racer to this.