(disclaimer: AIM judge review here! these are just my opinions and thoughts, you can take from them whatever you like! music is subjective and all that. <3)
feels like there's a lot of parts pushing against a limiter or compressor causing the sound to duck in and out - even just the piano on its own in the intro seems to be doing this. i know there's an extent to which gating filters and volumes is a feature of future funk but i think it's hurting the overall sound and the individual parts could all stand to be turned down in volume collectively so everything has more room to breathe... that way, you'll have a fuller, bigger sound to start applying gating to.
your core loop is quite a jam, and easy to rock out to! but i wish that there were some more variation in the music, like maybe an additional section of related stuff using the same instruments that could eventually build back up towards what you had before. the song could have more of an arc or progression that way. this is another thing where i know that the genre does focus a lot on cool loops but i think there's a balance that could be struck : )
as for the artwork you chose, i'm definitely getting the colorful digital surfing vibe, though if you wanted to be more vaporwave about it, taking your track and slowing it down quite a bit would feel more in-line ; ) but regardless i see the aesthetic you were going for here and think the style was a reasonable, solid decision